Programma van NAP Contactmeeting May 23rd 2024

NAP Contactmeeting May 23rd 2024

Programma van NAP Contactmeeting May 23rd 2024

Op donderdag 23 mei:
17:00 - 18:30 Network drink
18:30 - 21:30 Presentations and Dinner
  First presentation:
  Second presentation:
21:30 - 21:35 End of contact meeting
  1. Van 18:30 tot 21:30

    Presentations and Dinner

    Board announcements by Ron van den Akker, Chairman NAP
    Presentation by Marcel Ruygvoorn
    Presentation by Patric Jansen

  2. Van 18:30 tot 21:30

    First presentation:

    "The causes and impact of increasingly longer and more complex contracts on commercial agreements and the drafting thereof"

    Commercial Contracts have become much lengthier and more complex over the years. What causes this phenomenon, what does it result in and how does it ultimately affect (international) commercial contracts and their drafting? This is shown on the basis of scientific research and a number of practical examples: the most common mistakes in drafting commercial contracts.

    Prof. dr. Marcel R. Ruygvoorn LL.M lectures (international) commercial contract law at Utrecht University and is admitted as partner to Van Benthem & Keulen advocaten en notariaat in Utrecht where he heads the commercial contracting and litigation department.

  3. Van 18:30 tot 21:30

    Second presentation:

    "How companies can manage and stay in control of complex commercial contracts?"

    Lengthy and complex commercial contracts: how to assess and manage these as a company? And is there a way to simplify and what are the options? If you can’t beat it, deal with it. Best practices to stay in control. Notes and comments from industry practice.

    Patric L. Jansen started his career as attorney in private practice and has been working as in house (general) counsel for 20 years in the utility and technical services industry, of which the last 12 years for Stork, where he headed Stork’s legal & compliance department. Currently Patric is independent legal consultant, focused on M&A, corporate and contract law.
